Timafi Pierre was 68 years old and the mother of 6 children. She went to the Chanje Movement popup medical lcinic in May 2023. She suffered from hypertension. She’d had a stroke 3 years prior, so it was ctirical that she take medicaiton for her hypertension. But she hadn’t seen a doctor inver a year as it was very difficult to get an appointment and would require waiting for a day or more at the hospital.
When Chanje clinic doctors examined her, her blood pressure was very high. They gave her a smal stock of medication to reduce her stroke risk. The medical team also encouraged her to see the hospital doctor so that she could cotninue her medication. However, Timafi may not be able to over the obstacles to get there.
Timafi’s story is not unique. That day, the Chanje clinic team saw 287 patients and many of them were unable to seek medical attention elsewhere. Please pray that we can hold another medical clinic soon, to fill the gaps in care so many are experiencing.